“What do you mean you hear another heart beat?”

Landgraab-Goth Family

Twins, who would have thought it. Cass, as usual, was calm and easy.
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Two babies to love, meant twice as much love in the house.04-04-15_9-42 PM  Melinda and Evangeline Landgraab-Goth

But Malcolm was more like. Another mouth to feed, Another bed to buy, another college to pay for………..

cassandra and malcom his panic lasted right up until cass laid Melinda and Evangeline in his arms. Something inside himself just sorta settled into place. Things weren’t perfect but bills got paid and babies grew into kids.

Life flowed into days of joy and days of sorrow, but always there was Cass and there were his girls. His favorite times were helping them with their homework at the dinner table.

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It was summer when his mom passed away, heart attack, funny because until then Malcolm wasn’t sure she had one. His dad spent all his spare time at their house after that.

landThey didn’t mind. Without the daunting presence of his mother, Geoffrey was a different man. Calmer and more gentle, although he still loved his chess games.  It wasn’t long after that his dad followed.

cass and mort They comforted each other and time flew by and hurts healed.

When Alexander finally graduated Cass threw party for him. Bella was off her one of her mysterious trips but Morimer was there.GORH  GRAMP

Soon the girls would be graduating also.





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